color extension


This API inherits the color type from the DeltaScript base language and extends it in the ways described below.


These definitions use the arbitrary color object C as the caller.

Hue (hue)

C.hue -> float

Returns the hue of a color C as a float ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Since hue is a circular/angular property, a hue of 0.0 and a hue of 1.0 are identical. A hue of 0.0 is conventionally assigned to red (#ff0000, for example), while green is assigned to 1/3 (120°) and blue is assigned to 2/3 (240°). You can read more about hue here.

Saturation (sat)

C.sat -> float

Returns the saturation of a color C as a float ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

Value (val)

C.val -> float

Returns the value of a color C as a float ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.